
Negative Essay On Beauty And The Effects Of Beauty Pageants

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The most obvious exploitation is of the physical health of the children. They are exposed to an environment where beauty is everything; and in that environment, adult’s beauty standards are passed to children’s. Little girls are dressed in outfits with wigs and makeups to look like adults. Some parade around in “Las Vegas showgirl” outfits while doing "cute" tricks and performances. This is when cosmetics, high-heels, and diets shows their powers of enhancing the “beauty” of the contestants. It is explicit that makeups are produced for adults, the chemicals from these products are, of course, harmful to the sensitive young skin of the children. Kids who participate it beauty pageants allowing makeup may have to put on heavy makeup (not to mention body tan spray) regularly during the competitions and got their skin damaged by the great amount of no-good chemicals from these products. “The taller the prettier” is one of the most popular thoughts regarding today beauty standard. Since high heels do help increase one’s height and walk grace, they are must-have items to beauty contestants as women. Applying this idea to a child contestant may be effective for appearance competing as well, however, this is absolutely terrible for her calf muscles and her balls of the foot. Beauty pageants also exploit children by causing problems to the psychological development of a child such as abnormal childhood or even family rift. As every child wants compliment, praise, and encouragement

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