
Negotiation Essay

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"Effective negotiation is not about conflict. It is not about deviance or dishonesty. It is not about posturing, or bullying, or threatening. Effective negotiation is about exhaustive preparation, utter clarity, heartfelt communication, and a sincere, demonstrated desire to fully understand not just your own needs, but the needs of the other party." Leigh Stienberg: Winning with Integrity.


Does every thing in life revolve around negotiating? Your relationship with family, friends, significant other, school, church, work, does every thing have to be a negotiated? I feel the answer is of course "Yes." I want to feel I get value for what I’m spending, whether it is time, talent or money. As …show more content…

Go up you opponents ladder as high as you can reach.
The Second is setting your goals and limits. Set limits before you negotiate. Knowing what your limits are will allow you to make more rapid decisions during the course of negotiations. BATNA? "Your BATNA is your Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement" I first read this term in Entrepreneurial Edge Magazine then I did some research and found it’s source given to two different parties one being The Harvard Negotiating Institute and the other being. William Ury and Roger Fisher. Getting to Yes I believe the credit goes to both because Ury and Fisher were part of the Harvard Negotiating Project. Anyway what does BATNA really mean; it is the best way to fulfill your needs and interests without the other’s agreement.
Knowing your limits gives you the strength and confidence to walk away when needed. Try and not back yourself into a corner with no way out. Leave an alternative when ever possible. Having set limits are good but don’t make the bottom line so inflexible that you can’t reexamine someone’s offer in a different light. Knowing when no deal is the best thing for you can be a hard decision at times. What will happen if I can’t reach an agreement? Letting go of the pressure for a deal may lead to another deal down the road. Knowing when to fish or cut bait is important. "There’s always another Deal around the corner."

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