
Nellie Clark's 'Spoon River Anthology'

Decent Essays

Nellie Clark, Nancy Knapp, Mrs. George Reece
Throughout certain peoples lives, life can be a bit harder than that of others. In the book “Spoon River Anthology” By: Edgar Lee Masters many stated that life wasn’t very easy for them or for some other person in their life. These characters usually had very rough lives and or had rough deaths. In the the section of Fiddler Jones to Mrs. Reece, three characters that I chose were Nellie Clark, Nancy Knapp, and Mrs. George Reece. For them, life was not always easy.
In Nellie Clark’s poem she states that she was eight years old when she was rapped by a boy named Charlie that was fifteen. She told her mother in turn told her father. Who was very furious and went at Charlie with a pistol. But didn’t

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