
Neuroplasticity Analysis

Decent Essays

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change and reorganize itself due to different circumstances throughout our lives. Just like plastic, the brain can easily be molded into something different. Our environment, emotions, thoughts, behavior all have an effect on our brain and how, over time, it is physically and functionally changed. In the video, Dr. Norman Doidge said just by learning new things and having new thoughts, the brain is rewired forming a new structure by increasing the amount of connections made. This is because different genes are being turned on releasing chemicals allowing new structures. Dr. Doidge also talked about the down side to neuroplasticity and how it allows addictions to be made. For example, when one intakes …show more content…

Doidge mentioned, we think of having a mental decline. We also think that our brain does all the developing as we are growing up, and when we hit the age of adulthood it is done growing. What most people aren’t aware of, is how untrue that really is. As adults, our environments change as we are going through college, jobs, or moving around and those environments all have an impact on the new connections made in our brain. It has been shown why we have that mental decline and how it is connected to our senses. In the BrainHQ article, they talk about how our memory gets worth with age. An example was due to the fact that we start to lose our senses, like eye sight, sense of touch, as well as hearing. With this, we don’t process our experiences as well which results in not being able to store memories like we once used …show more content…

The area in the brain that is now damaged will reorganize moving the needed functions to the parts of the brain that are not damaged. In the Big think article, Dr. Charney is talking about how us, as adult have parts of the brain that we don’t fully use. He brought up the fact that prisoners of war who are held captive only have one option and that is to think. Like people living their normal day-to-day routines, they don’t have distractions or resources that allow them to skip the deep thinking and

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