
New Deal Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

During his time in office, there were many reasons as to why Roosevelt needed to make changes. Citizens of the US began wanting reform with the beginning of the populist movement in the 1870s. The need for reform continued with the beginning of the progressive movement in the 1890s. Next came the depression, which needed the most reform attention. When Roosevelt became president in 1933 the United States had already been in the depression since October 29, 1929 when the stock market crashed and even before that in the rural community. From the beginning of the depression in 1929 the GNP fell from $104.4 billion to $74.2 billion in 1933 along with the industrial production declining 51%. (Source 8) The Great Depression dramatically changed the …show more content…

Next he became governor of New York in 1928. Throughout his career FDR was a reformer, but he also knew he needed to work with those around him. For example, when he was in the New York Senate, he knew he had to work with and create a favorable relationship with the Tammany Hall bosses because they would allow him to get his ideas through and to get him further in politics.(Source 4) As president, FDR continued to work with those around him, which is why his New Deal program had a strong populist and progressive influence. FDR wanted to keep supporters of both groups satisfied so that he could get his legislation passed. First dealing with the Great Depression during his second term as governor, FDR saw how he needed to deal with the depression in his state and “set his sights on the presidency. He surrounded himself with an able group of advisers...and they devised a program that in many ways anticipated the New Deal of his presidential years.”(Source 4). Moreover, FDR wanted to make reforms, and needed to make reforms, but he needed to create legislation that the people around him would support, which is why he found a group of people, while he was governor, who would help him through his

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