
Not Safe Social Media

Decent Essays

Not So Safe Social Media Imagine this, you are just coming back from school where some kid has been bullying you all day. You come home and think that the bullying is over only to open your laptop and open Twitter. You then find out that someone has made a fake account all about making fun of you and just destroying your life little by little. Now everyone sees those embarrassing pictures of you at a party including the place you were trying to get a job at. Then you finally realize that the person doing this to you can not even really get in trouble, how would you feel now? There are multiple reasons for why people should be able to be prosecuted for statements made on social media. To start off why people should be able to get prosecuted …show more content…

In present day you can not just turn off your phone because it is so important for contacting people such as your parents incase of emergencies. Present day technology is extremely important and the only escape for the victim really is for the bully to be prosecuted. During a radio interview about cyberbullying, psychologist Eden Foster told us about her thoughts about just trying to “unplug.” Foster said “Technology is an essential part of our society and our homes. Use of technology has extended beyond simple entertainment. For example teens often use their cell phones to contact their parents in emergency situations, not just to text friends or play games." According to what Foster said, technology is extremely important in emergency situations so we can not just “unplug” because of a …show more content…

Although those people who disagree with prosecution for statements made on social media might say that people should not be prosecuted for claims made on social media because those claims do not actually affect a large enough amount of people, those social media claims impact a lot more people than you may think they do. In the article called “The Dangers Of Cyberbullying” the statistics show that every one in three teens has upsettingly admitted to being cyberbullied at one point of their lives. This is very serious and as you can see from this statistic it really does affect a large amount of people. This proves that the opposing claim is incorrect seeing as many children are affected by cyberbullying. As you can clearly see there is many children who are affected by cyberbullying and if you see it happening you should try and help stop it and report someone with authority. As you can see from this essay there are multiple reasons that people should be prosecuted for statements made on social media. There is multiple reasons for why they should be prosecuted such as the fact that it can actually cause the victim to do physical harm to him or herself, and that the victim cannot “unplug” from the technology that they are being bullied on. There is also many people that are affected by cyberbullying as opposed to what many people may think. If you see someone being

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