
Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment

Satisfactory Essays

1. My father is a senior design hardware engineer, and consequently he works with many software engineers. For an eighth grade project, I interviewed one of my father’s coworkers, where I learn some of the kinds of projects that software engineers work on. I wanted to get a feel for programming to see if I would like it, which is why when I was a sophomore in high school, I enrolled in an online coding course called introduction to computer science.
This course was on an online website called edx, where many colleges have online courses available to the public. The course that I took was hosted by Harvard University. I signed up for it and completed the first five problem sets, which gave me a feel for programming and analyzing algorithms. The problem sets introduced me to C, where I built programs such as recovering deleted JPEG images.
2. My strongest coding language as of now is Java, as I have taken two college level courses that were based on it. In these two courses, I have done several programming assignments, but the project I was most proud to work on was a Java program that solves chess puzzles. The professor showed us how to solve chess puzzles recursively by constructing a game tree. I …show more content…

When I was about five years old, I became a Tae Kwon Do student at Mach Martial Arts, and the instructors and masters there helped make me feel welcome and pushed me to attend tournaments and perform in front of large audiences to give me more confidence. As I grew older, I was able to take more responsibilities in the company, going from student to assistant instructor to administrative assistant. These added responsibilities have helped me overcome shyness. Furthermore, I felt like a part of a family when I worked for Mach Martial Arts, as they definitely made me what I am today. I also showed my strong dedication to the school, as even when after I started attending college, I still would return to the company to practice Tae Kwon Do and help them run the

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