
Nurse Patient Ratio And Patient Outcomes

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Nurse Patient Ratio and Patient Outcomes
Nurse staffing have an effect on a variety of areas within nursing. Quality of care is usually affected. Hospitals with low staffing tend to have higher incidence of poor patient outcomes. Martin, (2015) wrote an article on how insufficient nursing staff increases workload and job dissatisfaction, which in effect decreases total patient care over all. When nurse staffing is inadequate, the ability to practice ethically becomes questionable. Time worked, overtime, and total hours per week have significant effect on errors. When nurses works long hours, the more likely errors will be made. He also argued that inadequate staffing not only affects their patients but also their loved ones, future and current nursing staff, and the hospitals in which they are employed. An unrealistic workload may result in chronic fatigue, poor sleep patterns, and absenteeism thus affecting the patients they take care of.
According to Martin (2015), California is the only state that stipulates that in law and regulations have a required minimum nurse to patient ratios to be maintained at all times by unit. Nurses across the United States are talking to their Senators to help them lobby bills that would help establish a minimum nurse to patient staffing ratios for all hospitals in the country, among other improvements of nursing rights. Nurses from around the country also visited Congressional Representatives on Capitol Hill and urged them to support

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