
Nursing Turnover

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According to Huber, (2010) nursing shortage is defined as the occurrence where the demand (the number of nurses a company is willing to employ) is greater than the available supple of nurses willing to work at the proposed rate of pay. This definition goes beyond the word understaffing because it can be caused by several factors. These include but are not limited to less than desirable working conditions or tight budgeting in an attempt to cut costs. Turnover is defined as the cessation of employment or membership in an organization. Research on nursing shortage and turnover indicate that the basis of the problem correlates to low wages, the nature of work, poor working conditions and …show more content…

Workload for example plays a major role in the job satisfaction. Nurses that have higher nurse to patient ratios are more prone to feelings of burnout, compassion fatigue and dissatisfaction when compared to those nurses with lighter patient loads. If staff members are unhappy they will be more likely to leave the job. Another important factor to consider is autonomy. Nurses want to feel like their organization trusts their decisions and ability to make good nursing judgment. When a nurse feels like he or she has control over their work environment then they will be happier in their position. (Huber, 2010) Nursing is not a solitary kind of job therefore turnover will be affected by the kind of relationships at the workplace as well as the relationships with management. Staff wants to know that they are being heard and that their opinions and suggestions are taken into consideration. This allows for nurses to grow as leaders and have influence on their peers. Job satisfaction I also influenced by the wages given for the job done. If nurses feel like they are underpaid then they will leave their positions in search of greener

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