
Nutrition Report Essay

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We are required to obtain certain amount of nutrients from food. Food can simply divide into 2 groups, macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients composition. Both of the groups mentioned do affect the metabolism rate. According to Hulbert and Else, dietary fatty acid will affect the metabolism rate and some of the polyunsaturated fatty acid will increase the metabolism rate (1999). Meanwhile, different kinds of animals have their own unique requirement for macro-nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates and fat. Moreover, most of the food intake is driven by achieving the required protein intake. Animals on a low protein diet will over eat carbohydrates and fat until the protein requirement has been satisfied. If this case …show more content…

(This experiment is aimed to use 10 Artemia, however, 7 to 13 Artemias are able to achieve the goal in this experiment.). Then seal the cuvette under water and make sure no air bubble is inside the cuvette. After that, put the cuvette into the temperature controlled water bath for ten minutes. After 10 minutes, take the cuvette to the oxygen meter to measure the oxygen concentration by holding the end of the end of the fibre-optic cable squarely on to the senor spot from the outside of the cuvette until the concentration has been shown on screen and record it down. Then return the Artemia to the same incubation bath and repeat this procedure every 5 minutes and measure it for 4 to 5 times. After the process above, we have to find out the total length of the Artemias in the cuvette. To find the total length of the Artemia, use the pipette to move the Artemia out of the cuvette and settle them into a watch glass and measure the length of the Artemias by ruler. At last but not least, put those high energy intake Artemia back into the sink and repeat the experiment instead of those low intake Artemia. On the other hand, to find the difference of activity of the high and low energy intake Artemia, those Artemia will be tracked by the software named, the Tracker and the Tracker are able to determine the velocity of the Artemia under different treatment for 5 replicates.

After the experiment, we have recorded 2 sets of oxygen

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