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Culture consists of beliefs and behavior. It is cultivated behavior in the sense that it is learnt from the other members of the society. According to Henry Mintzberg, an internationally renowned author on Business and Management, “culture is the soul of the organization – the beliefs and values, and how they are manifested. I think of the structure as the skeleton, and as the flesh and blood. And culture is the soul that holds the thing together and gives it life force.” These lines portray how critical is a culture in an organization.

Some theorists looked upon organizations as having many of the features of cultures (Brown, 1995). Martins and Martins (2003) defined organizational culture as “a system of …show more content…

Therefore, managers and employees do not behave in a value-free vacuum; they are governed, directed and tempered by the organization’s culture (Brown, 1998). Employees’ behavior includes their commitment to their respective organizations. For example, if the culture encourages innovativeness, any problem will make people take initiative and risks as well as try out new ways of doing things. On the other hand, if the organizational culture is security oriented, the same problem situation would cause people to start looking for rules, procedures as a mode of response.

Organizational culture is also known as "corporate culture” that has a major impact on the performance of organization and especially on the quality of work life experienced by the employees. If people in the organization follow the same culture and accept the cultures as well, there would be unity formed within the organization that would lead to higher levels of efficiency resulting in an increase in the levels of performance. It is known that an increase in performance can lead to the development of a culture, which could lead to culture homogeneity in the way the organization works. A common culture results in having a common goal. People would agree to the decisions made more easily and be motivated to work, as the decisions made are the same as the

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