
Online Dating Research Paper

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Online Dating “One in ten Americans have used an online dating site or mobile dating app themselves, and many people now know someone who uses online dating or who has found a spouse or long-term partner via online dating”(Online Dating & Relationships). More and more people are starting to use online dating, because people have no luck meeting other potential partners in person. So they turn to online dating. A majority of people use online dating, because of the freedom to make a fake profile about themselves. The fact that it is on the computer and not in real life people have the freedom to upload pictures of someone that is is not of their while people use the social websites for lots of different reasons. Online dating is an area people …show more content…

Whether it is social media, facebook, twitter, a mobile app, or a traditional online dating site, there are a lot of success stories”(Spira). There are many dangers to online dating, there have been many success stories. “Many sites will provide matching tools and send you emails of suggested matchers to make it easier for you to view potential dates”(Spira). “66% of online daters have gone on a date with someone they met through an online dating site or app”(Online Dating & Relationships). A majority of the people that use an online site or app have seen or interacted with the person they have encountered. This can mean dates or maye even walking down the street or in the grocery these people can encounter each other. “23% of online daters have entered into a marriage or long-term relationship with someone they met through a dating site or app”(Online Dating & Relationships). Some of the people who have used online dating have either ended up getting married or being in a long lasting relationship with their partner. Many people always look at the bad side of online dating, which is not necessarily a bad thing it just means they are aware. “Although online dating has had success stories there are always dangers and risks with who you may be encountering when using online …show more content…

“ Date check, from Intelius, encourages users to ‘look up before you hook up’. The application is marketed to women who want to perform a background check on would-be Romeos ‘in the time it take to redo your lip gloss’”(Rosenbloom). Some industry professionals say that the predators are usually male. That is why people would like to run background checks.“For a small fee, a nascent crop companies wants to help Americans find out by running background checks on the potential flames they encounter on, eHarmony or any of the nearly 1,500 dating web sites in the United States”(Rosenbloom). Companies are offering to run background checks on the potential matches that people meet. This is important, because it allows people to get a better look at who they are talking to or to know what that person might be keeping a secret.“Critics also point out that companies that conduct background screenings are not necessarily perfect. Some have mishandled information. When doing the background they might not find everything about the person, or the important facts that may be useful. “Yet plenty of crime stories begin with two people skimming each other’s online dating profiles. conider the widely reported case of Jeffrey Marsails, a serial rapist in Philidelphia who met victims on”(Rosenbloom). Many people decide to just skim someones profile page instead of thoroughly look to find

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