
Optimization Of Dynamic Load : Cloud Computing

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Optimization of Dynamic Load Balancing in Cloud Computing B.Preethi1, Prof. C. Kamalanathan2,Dr,S.M Ramesh3 1PG Scholar, 2Professor,3Associate Professor 1,2,3Bannari Amman Institute of Technology Sathyamangalam, Pin no.638401, Abstract: Load balancing is essential for optimization of resources in distributed environments. The major goal of the cloud computing service providers is to use cloud computing resources efficiently to enhance the overall performance. Load balancing in cloud computing environment is a methodology to distribute workload across multiple computers to achieve optimal resource utilization with minimum response time. The proposed system pave the way for the green …show more content…

Computers in the cloud are configured to work together and the various applications use the collective computing power as if they are running on a single system. The flexibility of cloud computing is a function of the allocation of resources on demand. This facilitates the use of the system 's cumulative resources, negating the need to assign specific hardware to a task. Before cloud computing, websites and server-based applications were executed on a specific system. With the advent of cloud computing, resources are used as an aggregated virtual computer. This amalgamated configuration provides an environment where applications execute independently without regard for any particular configuration. 2. NEED OF CLOUD COMPUTING There are valid and significant business and IT reasons for the cloud computing paradigm shift. The fundamentals of outsourcing as a solution apply. • Reduced cost: Cloud computing can reduce both capital expense (CapEx) and operating expense (OpEx) costs because resources are only acquired when needed and are only paid for when used. • Refined usage of personnel: Using cloud computing frees valuable personnel allowing them to focus on delivering value rather than maintaining hardware and software. • Robust scalability: Cloud computing allows for immediate scaling, either up or down, at any time without long-term commitment. Figure

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