
Organizational Culture Of Home Depot

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Bernard Marcus, the founders’ of Home Depot, developed a very informal and store- oriented culture at Home Depot.
An oganisation’s culture can be perceived as its style, atmosphere and personality. For Home Depot, it was all about ‘entrepreneural high spiritdness’ which gave the members of the workforc the freedom to decide what they preceived to be the best for the company.
The company’s structure was said to be an inverted pyramid : the customers and store managers on the top and the top management at the bottom. This showed how everyone’s beleifs and opinions were aligned towards customer satisfaction and extreme personal involvement with the customers and the store.
Home depot had two set of beleifs : Firstly there are internal beliefs that include encouraging innovation at all levels and allow managers to take decisions for their stores independently and secondly there are external beliefs which focus on the fact that all actions should move …show more content…

All this also contributed to their informal culture.
The extra ordinary autonomy given to the store manager was one of the main reasons why employees were so happy to associate with and believe in the company’s culture.
One of the differentiating factors of Home Depot was that it incorporated within its members a major aversion to any kind of beauracracy and hierarchy. It was a usual practice at the stores to ignore all kind of paperwork that was sent to them by the headquarters. They undervalued such directives to the extent that they would throw these papers in the waste basket or mark them with “BS” stamp and send it back to the headquarters. They believed that all this was a waste of time of the managers and they had more important things to address to at their stores, the most important of them being : satisfying the

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