
Parenting In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Parenting in Frankenstein: Responsibilities within the Family “Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind” (Lilo, Lilo and Stitch). Family, one of the few things in life that you are born with. Family, your one safe place when it may feel like the world is against you. Family, and parents in particular, are always there looking out for you. They do a lot for you, from when you’re born all the way up until you leave the house and start living on your own. Good parenting skills are essential to put children on the right track. Whether it’s being there when they’re going through a rough time in life or helping with picking out the right college, their impact is huge on their children’s life, for the moment at hand and for …show more content…

“A wise child will realize that he has much to learn from the counsel of his parents” (Riddle). It is important for a son or daughter to learn early in life that people aren’t born with all the knowledge in the world, and that knowledge is best obtained through experience. Experience is something that you as a parent will almost always have over your child as you’ve been around for a longer period of time. The bible talks about this in Proverbs 1:8, “My son, hear the instructions of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother.” Next, children have the responsibility to show submission to parental discipline. This one is hard for everyone, including the parents inflicting the discipline. As a child, you must bear your parents’ rebukes with humility (Adams). Everyone was born sinful, everyone needs discipline to function in a proper manner. All punishments done by parents are done out of love, they are trying to help you to become as great of a person that you can be. It is important to learn self-denial and patience. “Isn’t it inappropriate to rage against those who love you best (Adams)?” Your parents do everything with the intention of love, even when it may not seem like it, so why fight …show more content…

Victor, the guardian in this relationship abandoned his creation, his child at birth because he was frightened by its appearance. Leaving a newborn unattended is one of the worst actions you can do to it. The monster was thrown into a world as a newborn without any sense of direction after his creator, his father, abandoned him. When times get rough there should always be family to turn to, this monster had nothing. Victor failed as a parent. He left his ‘child’ to fend for itself because he didn’t like the appearance of it. When you put this into perspective of human life is when you notice how messed up this action was. What if you became a parent and turns out your first born came out with a physical disability, something like an extra finger, or a messed up facial feature? Do you just throw the child onto the streets, and try and make another one? No, good parents will still love their child, their creation, the same, whether he’s born with a disability or not. This is a love that all parents should have before proceeding to have a child. Going back on a previous point on if a child can’t respect their parents, how could they respect other authorities, if a parent can’t accept their child based on its appearance, how could he accept his child when his child comes up short in

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