
Patient Teamwork

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As the obligations of nurses around the world continue to become more complex, the need for the field to constantly grow and improve is continuous. This is especially evident when referring to nurses who work in the intensive care unit as they must care for patients with more severe illnesses (Intensive Care Unit, 2016). One possible way to improve the quality of patient care besides technological advancements is the use of teamwork. The purpose of this paper is to determine if teamwork among health care professionals in the intensive care unit benefits patient care, as opposed to working as individuals. It is important to first understand the role of these nurses to determine if teamwork could have an effect on the overall patient care. Nurses …show more content…

The American journal of critical care studied nine large hospitals along the east coast of the United States in an attempt to discover if a link between teamwork and patient outcome occurs in the ICU (Wheelan, S., Burchill, C., & Tilin, F., 2003). In this article the standardized mortality ratio, SMR, which is a ratio between observed and expected deaths was studied and used as a comparison between hospitals. If SMR is greater than one, an excess amount of deaths are listed. This research analytically proved that an ICU with higher teamwork and communication has a positive result on the patient’s outcome. ICU’s listed as having high performance had an average SMR of 0.316, whereas the middle preforming ICU’s had an average SMR of 0.712, and low performing ICU’s had a mean SMR of 1.06. This displays that an ICU with poor teamwork has a much greater chance of having excess deaths in comparison with an ICU that has strong teamwork skills. The authors validate that this data is reliable as they clearly lay out how every source of data was obtained, and how it relates to teamwork in nursing. In addition, this article is credible as it is a University study, and all authors are all highly educated in the field of nursing. The findings in this article are incredibly relevant as they statistically prove that there is a need to implement a higher level of teamwork in the ICU, if the Canadian health care system wants to improve patient

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