
Pearl Harbor And World War II

Decent Essays

Pearl Harbor and World War II

“December 7, 1941 is a date which will live in infamy” is Pre sident Roosevelt’s famous

quote that will be forever remembered (Gillon, 22). Japanese planes made a surprise attack on

Pearl Harbor in the early morning hours on that day. Soldiers were sleeping after their night

entertainment in Honolulu. The bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 will never be

forgotten and we will live forever with the changes that took place on this day.

As Japanese diplomats negotiated in Washington, a strike force of 31 warships slipped

from Japan into the North Pacific on November 26, 1941. They steamed silently until they

attacked Pearl Harbor. The first round of attack by the Japanese planes took place at 6:45 a.m.

Civilian employees helped by loading and cleaning weapons, wounded men fought on, and

doctors rushed to help when blood donations were needed. The Japanese destroyed Pearl

Harbor and the other air force bases. The loss in Pearl Harbor was horrible and the most

important battleships of the US were completely destroyed. Japan declared war against the

United States a few hours after their attack on Pearl Harbor.

The attack on Pearl Harbor affected the American society and the Japanese people who

lived in the United States. The effect continued for many decades into the younger generations.

The United States used the draft and all men from age 18 to 45 were included, providing over 16

million troops.

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