
Pearl Harbor Dbq Essay

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The motivation behind a bombing can be complex. In December 1941, the American naval base stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was savagely bombed by Japan. The destruction was, in part, the result of fears toward immobilization and defeat. It was also due to an obsession with power. One contributing factor towards the bombing of Pearl Harbor was Japan’s desire to be recognized as a world power. This is explicitly expressed in Document A, which states, “The ideals of Japan… are represented by the principle that the benevolent rule of the Emperor may be extended so as to embrace the whole world. The way of the [world] is to be loyal to the Emperor in disregard of self… ” This idea was not a mere suggestion, but rather it was a plan. Proven by Documents B and C, Japan managed to occupy nearly all of East Asia’s coast and “declare its policy to establish a new order” in the span of approximately five years. Japan was on a mission of rapid, powerful conquest. However, in Document …show more content…

As indicated by Document E, its ambitious endeavor costed “several billions of yen” and “well over 100,000 dead and wounded”. In addition to the heaping problems, America began an embargo on products Japan depended on for success, starting with aircraft and aircraft parts in 1939 and oil in 1941, and freezing all Japanese assets and bank accounts (Document C). The termination of imported oil was undeniably the most damaging. Document D indicates that prior to 1941, America supplied Japan with eighty percent of its oil; Document E claims that by 1943, the military would have no petroleum to utilize. Two months after the embargo, Pearl Harbor was bombed. Based off of this evidence, one can deduce that Japan felt compelled to attack America due to its rapidly deteriorating supplies. With the movement crippled, American forces would only enhance, giving them the strength to defeat

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