
Peer Review Article: Health Effects On Vegan Diets

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Peer Review Article: Health Effects on Vegan Diets Many individuals with vegan diet chose this lifestyle due to the health benefits such as low blood pressure, lower heart problems, less saturated fat, and lower serum cholestrol. However, some people do choose it for religious purposes. On the other hand, some individuals believe that animal cruelty is completely inhuman and do not wish to take in part by eating such even to the point of outlawing. According to previous studies done many years ago, roughly around sixty-five million, most human beings had a diet based on plant. The human diestive system actually features an early vegetarian condition from other plant eaters through anthrapological findings. A vegan diet is able to provide the complete …show more content…

A vegan should usually eat a plant based diet which is rich in the n-3 fatty acid ALA which consists of foods such as walnuts, soy products, canola oil, etc. Also to ensure they are consuming enough amounts of vitamin D in their diets, they need to have cereal, orange juice. Vegans also need to have a supply of vitamin B-12 in their diet as "Vitamin B-12 deficiency can produce abnormal neurologic and psychiatric symptoms that include ataxia, psychoses, paresthesia, disorientation, dementia, mood and motor disturbances, and difficulty with concentration" (Craig, 2015). Vegans are also low in the element zinc, however, there is no difference from nonvegetarians in immunocompetence. Although most indivudials believe the vegan diet is often misleading as there isn't sufficient amount of nutrients, maintaining a health diet can decrease the chances of many health diseases. According to "Health Effects on Vegan Diets" much more research needs to be done on vegatarianism or vegan diets. In contrast, "Vegans are thinner, have lower serum cholesterol and blood pressure, and enjoy a lower risk of CVD. BMD and the risk of bone fracture may be a concern when there is an

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