
Personal Essay: Voice Of Democracy In America

Satisfactory Essays

Voice of democracy

About a year ago i was going into town on a sunday afternoon. I went to walmart to do some shopping. When i walked in and seen this guy asking for some change. I had asked him what it was for, and he said food. Then he had mentioned he was a veteran. He was a pretty old guy too i felt super bad, we should not treat are veterans like that so here's what i think we should do.
My responsibility to america is to make sure people have a retirement. At age 16 i started to put money away out of my checks for retirement. Because honestly do you think will have a retirement when we are age 65? I don't think so, i think were gonna be working till were dead. The country is so in debt it's not even funny to talk about. It almost makes me wonder where the world is gonna be when i'm even my parents age. I wanna make sure people in this country have a good education. Education is the key to everything about jobs now. Without that …show more content…

I feel like if we get enough people to volunteer to make all these things happen for retirement and such, i think it would pull through. And raise some money to get these homeless veterans that fought for are country off the streets. It's a bunch of bs that are veterans are homeless , not all of them but some here and there are. That's my goal to do for our country. But if it will happen i don't know , i don't know if i could do all that by myself. My personal connection to the homeless veteran i seen that sunday is that he had fought for are country. And we basically didn't give him anything for when he came home to live on. I wanna make sure people who do time in the service and go to war have somewhat of a retirement for food , a home, and cloths. I'd like lots more people to volunteer to help these things happen. And with all the education we have nowadays for people to get we should be able to do this

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