
Personal Motivation

Decent Essays

Leadership and Personal Motivation During my sophomore year, Debate was one of my extracurricular activities that always taught me a lesson. The debate team has taught me to be more social with other people because in our tournaments we would have to go against other students from different schools about a topic. But I will never forget my first tournament of that year where it marked a turning point in my life. After debating at my first tournament, I had received a call from my father about how he got arrested by the police. He had told me that he was driving under the influence of alcohol. During his explanation, my mind started to panic because this wasn't his first time receiving a DUI from the police. Therefore, I knew that my father was in big trouble because he is an immigrant from El Salvador, and he has received so many DUI's in the past that the court would consider him for deportation. When my mother heard this heartbreaking news about my father, she didn't know what to do because she wasn't working and she had to stay home to take care of my youngest sister because my mother knew that we lived in a terrible neighborhood where there are various gangs and gun shootings. My mother and I could not take that chance, so I realized that I had to take the obligations of my father bills because he was behind, and there was no way to catch up if there wasn't someone working. Especially after hearing that he was going to be sent away to prison for one year, announced

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