
Why Is Baseball Important To Me Essay

Decent Essays

My sport would probably be baseball,even though basketball is a very fun sport. I find baseball to be more of a passion than a hobby. Truly I want to make baseball my place or form of employment, because it makes me feel like even though growing up and maturing I can still go out onto the field, and feel like a young child again. In my future of being a baseball player baseball would allow me to travel the world, and the United States while getting paid to play a game. Also just getting the chance to meet my idols growing up as a kid. To me being able to travel, and meet your idols as a kid is more than anyone could ask for. Especially to get a chance to play in the Olympics would make me feel like I'm a 12 year old again living my dreams. …show more content…

Every four years, we take two weeks out of our lives to sit on the couch and speculate another city, another set of athletes, and what about our own life and aspirations has changed since last we thusly sat and contemplated. My life is marked by Olympics, and I have very vivid memories tied to watching Olympics-where I was, who I was with, what I felt, and now, in retrospect, what that all says about my life. This theme was really brought home to me by a lovely essay by Karissa Chen entitled "Of Grace and Gold (A Personal Retrospective on Michelle Kwan)," which was just published in the inaugural issue of the long-form sports writing magazine Some Call It Ballin'. In the Googling rabbit hole that happened to me after I read the essay, I encountered this Slate compilation of Olympics-related long form journalism. Slate ran this piece in 2012, before the Summer Olympics, so it's not as chilly a list as one someone will surely come out with over the next few weeks, but is is an excellent reminder of how much greater narrative there has been around the Olympics over the last long

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