
Personal Worldview Essay Examples

Decent Essays

There are many different aspects of a person that contribute to our personal worldview. For example, our family values, expectations of education,age, race, and gender roles. The main influences on my worldview are family, age, and educational values.
Some people may think of age as just a number, but to me, age also includes a persons maturity level. A person may be thirty years old, but their behavior can resemble that of an eighteen year old. I am twenty years old, but my experiences have molded me to behave in a maner that resembles someone older then my mere twenties . Since I was eighteen years old I have lived on my own and have solely been finacially dependent on myself. The job I have choosen is not the typical job that a person my …show more content…

My parents could not be more different when it comes to how important education plays a role in your life. My mom earned her masters in special education and belives that it has made her a better teacher to her students. My dad on the other hand did not make to high school and thinks a person just needs to work in life. Growing up I felt like I was stuck in the middle of how I felt about education. Now, I am in my twenties and seen what both choices have resulted in for each one of my parents through out life, and believe that now having an education is the best way to go through life. Work is also important and will get you through, but having an education just makes life a little bit easer.
Everybody is entitled to have their own view of the world and how big or smal of an importance something is in their lifes. I know my worldviews are almost never going to be one hundrend persent the same as anyone elses, and that is what makes us who we are. Weather it is religion, family importaneand belif about any subjects. Though it may be difficult to understand other people views, we one day willrespect others views of the world and will be much more open

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