
Persuasive Essay About Illegal Immigration

Decent Essays

The United States is historically known as the nation of immigrants. For centuries, people have come to the United States in search of prosperity, freedom and financial success. However, many people that come to the United States are in most cases labeled as an immigrant or an illegal alien. Although there is a huge difference between the two classifications. An immigrant is a person that comes to a country with the intent to become a citizen and live there permanently with proper and legal permissions, and an alien is a person who lives in a country where they are not a legal citizen and have entered the country illegally. Each status can easily become mistaken in today's society when meeting native people in the United States, however, each is different by the action of entry and by definition. So why is it that people, in general, want to come to the United States? It is simple really, because of the freedoms our nation has to offer as declared in our Bill Of Rights. Many countries around the world do not offer or any of the same benefits that the United States has to offer. Most immigrants wanted to pursue a lifestyle of freedom, and to practice their religion freely, or to escape their country's poverty or oppression and of course their desire for a better life.
The first great wave of immigrants came to the United States. In the early 19th century, large numbers of people from Western Europe left their countries to escape poverty. Many of the immigrants also came to

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