
Persuasive Essay On 16 And Pregnant

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During the teenage years, there are raging hormones, social acceptance conflicts, developing feelings for the opposite sex, the list can go on for days! The older population tends to have opinions about MTV’s hit show, 16 and pregnant. Some critics say it promotes unprotected sex and has girls thinking it is acceptable to be pregnant young. 16 and pregnant has its flaws, but overall it shows the important message that pregnancy is hard, no matter the age but especially so young. These mothers suffer from depression, social unacceptance, and often times bullying. The t.v show proves how difficult it is to have a child so young, and overall tends to discourage it.

There are campaigns out there to prevent teen pregnancy and overall demote it. Some would like to provide condoms and or birth control to …show more content…

Financially, emotionally and physically, it is tiring. For example, Kailyn Lowry, shown on 16 and pregnant and teen mom, was exhausted and stressed throughout the show. From fighting with her son’s father constantly because they were both extremely immature, to being married and with a second child, not much has changed. She still gets stressed, and financially can support them, but she cannot afford daycare to pursue her dreams and getting a higher education degree. The show also shows whether you are 16, or 25, you are not always going to be prepared for motherhood.

With all that being said, motherhood is difficult, and protection should always be used unless you are 100% ready. With watching the show, and working with children daily, It has personally helped me make better choices and not do what everyone else does. Teen mom provides such a realistic view of what motherhood so young can be like. Decreasing birth rates in the United States is a plus, as well as preventing this with campaigns. Hopefully one day I can participate in a campaign like that to provide

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