
False Image Of Teen Mom

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The television show “Teen Mom” is a great example of the impact teen pregnancy has made on our society. The show follows teen mothers to display the hardship of teen motherhood. Although the goal of the show was to prevent teen pregnancy, like any other show the producers altered the show to gain viewers. The show added messages of love stories and success stories. The change in the show created a false image of teen motherhood. As a community we visually perceive the pain and struggle those mothers endure. Even though we witness their harsh lifestyle, many teen mothers aren't aware of it until after it is too late. The media creates the appearance of a glamorous lifestyle; with that, teen pregnancy is becoming a larger issue everyday. The many advantages established in the community for teen mothers are medical cards, link, and cash assistance. Withal, a few television shows promote teen pregnancy. Many teenage mothers do not have to work but instead receives …show more content…

That is the day that every bill is now their responsibility, can be prosecuted as an adult, and legally responsible for oneself. Logically, adding another person into the equation will increase the amount of responsibility for a young adult. The government, society, and media creates a spectacular image of teenage motherhood. Currently single teenage mothers receive an ample amount of assistance such as; food stamps, cash assistance, and college grants. Also, television shows that follow teen mothers portray a blissful lifestyle. The goal ( of teen mom shows) was to educate teen girls on the harsh reality of teen motherhood; however, teens only saw the sweet love stories and an adorable baby. Furthermore, girls were attempting to get pregnant in hopes to be on the show. Lastly, at first when a girl is known to be pregnant many people criticize her; after a while, she will most likely gain positive

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