
Teen Mom Research Paper

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Does the TV show ‘Teen Mom’ and ’16 and pregnant’ promote teenage pregnancy or educate their viewers about teenage pregnancy?

“People look at it so negatively but our show has opened so many eyes…we all have such a different story, and everybody relates to us” Maci Bookout from 16 and pregnant. 16 and pregnant was a hit American reality show which is shown on MTV, it was created in 2009 and centres around 4 16 year old girls pregnancy journey. After the show was aired it created a lot of controversy on wether the show educates the public about teenage pregnancies or wether it glamorises teenage pregnancies and allowed it to turn into a trend. The spin off show ‘Teen Mom’ was created to try and settle the controversy and show people that it does educate their viewers as teen mom follows the girls after they leave the hospital and shows viewers the hardship of being a teen mother. …show more content…

With millions of viewers tuning in to watch the show and seeing this advert as well as the 4 girls different stories it advises them to enjoy their teen years and not rush into having children when there will be a lot of sacrifices to be made. After each episode was aired researches would then go on to search the data of twitter and Google trends to look for any correlation with the searches for the show alongside searches for birth control which they did find a link. Proof was then found as the searches showed people were searching for birth control, contraception and abortion and within the first 18 months of the show airing in June 2009 teenage pregnancies were brought down by 5.7% in America

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