
Persuasive Essay On Climate Change

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I really appreciate all of the work you're doing spreading awareness about climate change while doing your own part to combat it. In this day and age, our work to change the course of our currently unsustainable civilization is more important than ever. That's why we must be very careful when discussing the changing climate and the repercussions that spring from it. Most conversations about climate change focus on the major problems that are going to occur in the future as a result of current human practices. Yet, it is evident that these changes are wreaking havoc in the present world that we all inhabit. That is why the narrative on climate change must change. Not only is climate change real, but it is impacting the earth in devastating ways at this very moment. Climate change should be treated as the atrocity of today, not the possible problem of the future. As a kid who has cared about nature his entire life, and an avid modern environmentalist for four years and counting, this issue has been at the center of my psyche for quite some time. I have seen public perspective on this issue change before my eyes. From the original rejection of Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth movie on “global warming” to personally marching alongside 300,000 people in our nation's capital to raise awareness on climate change. However, despite all of these avenues the issue is still spoken about as this distant idea that eventually will be a disaster. Many politicians and news networks speak of the need for slow implementation of policies and programs to right our environmental wrongs. The best way to paraphrase the common narrative of this issue would be to say, climate change is going to happen down the road, it will probably be bad and trying to fix it in the near future would be a good idea. That weak call to action shoves climate change onto the long to-do list of the leaders of our world. Not only does it not create the urgency needed to actually curb the effects of our environmental ignorance, but it does not accurately describe the threat of a changing climate. Treating this like a political issue will not allow for the rigorous changes needed to address such a problem in the timely manner that is required. Any logical

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