
Persuasive Essay On Electronic Cigarettes

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Travis Legge age 34 smoked two packets of cigarettes every day for more than 10 years. Travis made the switch to the e-cigarette as a healthier substitute; Travis says, “since I started using them, I feel like I got more energy and it's easier to breathe." Legge is just one out of millions of people who use electronic cigarettes instead of your average cigarette. E-Cigarettes can make others quit using ordinary cigarettes; A lot is still unknown about the health effects on the e-cigarettes. A U.S Surgeon has raised concerns about the use of electronic cigarettes, and how they now are the “most commonly used form of tobacco” (“E-Cigarettes: A major health concern”). An electronic cigarette is a battery operated device which releases nicotine from the flavored liquid put into the e-cigarette. Some people might think that the e-cigarette devices are a good way for others to reduce the amount of average cigarette users. Others may think that they can affect other people, and there may be unknown harmful chemicals in the liquid in these devices. Electronic cigarettes can also be known as an e-cigarette. Since the topic of electronic cigarettes are controversial, banning them may have the effects on one's Freedom/Rights, Health/Safety, and Addiction.
The plans of the e-cigarette go back to the 60s, and the devices idea was originally created by Herbert Gilbart in 1963. 20 years later the cigarette “smoke free” cigarette was created by Dr. Norman. Around 15 years later the e-cigarette as we know today was created by a chemist named Hon in China (N). In just 3 years electronic cigarettes began to increase in use and popularity. Overall, there are an estimated 600 different ingredients in an average e-cigarette. In the popular “Juul” e-cigarette the ingredients are, glycerol, propane glycerol, natural oils, extracts and flavor, nicotine, and benzoic acid (“What Is in a JUULpod Juice?”). The e-cigarette does not contain tobacco, but within all of these ingredients there, is one major one nicotine (“Rise in E-Cigarette use”). Most e-cigarettes do contain nicotine, which it can lead to poisoning(“Rise in E-Cigarette use”) In 2013, it was shown that the largest sale of the electronic cigarette was in local convenience

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