
Introduction To Phenomenology

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“There are advantages developing a more phenomenological anthropology that better communicates human experience and emotion.”
Moustakas reading “Phenomenological Research Methods” (1994:13) says that “phenomenology is a qualitative method of research – refrains from importing external frameworks and sets aside judgements about the realness of the phenomenon.”
In his book “Introduction to Phenomenology”, Dermot Moran (2000: pg4) defines phenomenology as:
“It claims, first and foremost, to be a radical way of doing philosophy, a practice rather than a system. Phenomenology is best understood as a radical, anti-traditional style of philosophising, which emphasises the attempt to get to the truth of matters, to describe phenomena, in the broadest sense as whatever appears in the manner in which it appears, that is as it manifests itself to consciousness, to the experiencer. As such, phenomenology’s first step is to seek to avoid all misconstructions and impositions placed on experience in advance, whether these are drawn from religious or cultural traditions, from everyday common sense, or, indeed, from science itself. Explanations are not to be imposed before the phenomena have been understood from within.”

For a simplified idea of phenomenology or more a generalization, it is the study of that which exists, the study of our experience, how we experience. But for the purposes of anthropological research, phenomenology is borrowed from other disciplines such as philosophy and

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