
Physical, Emotional And Social Developments : The Life Stages Of Human Development

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The life stages of human development • Infancy (0-1) • Childhood (3-10) • Adolescence (11-17) • Early adulthood (18-29) • Middle adulthood (30-60) • Late adulthood (60+) 1.2 The physical, intellectual, emotional and social developments within each life stage Infancy (0-3) Infancy is from the ages 0-3 years old. It’s a time of rapid growth. During this period of time most changes occur. At this age children develop physical, intellectual, emotional and social skills. When a baby is born they are helpless and depend on their carer in order for them to survive. Physical- At this age children are very helpless and depend hugely on their carer to survive. In order for this to happen when they are born they are born with reflexes. These include rooting, sucking, swallowing, grasping and stepping. Intellectual – Intellectual development is the development of the mind, where you begin to remember things, recognise things and know and understand the things are around you. Also they begin to gain communication skills. Development is an on-going process. Emotional- Babies at this age are not unable to communicate so show their emotion by crying or laughter and may use some facial expressions to show how they feel about what’s going on around them. As they get older say around two years old they show their emotion by having tantrums. When they reach three they begin to care about the people around them and tend to share toys with them and play with them. Social- Social development

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