
Police Corruption And Corruption

Decent Essays

Police corruption and misconduct affects all of us because it is a major problem in the police department. Majority of the time police misconduct goes unnoticed because police officers keep their business private from society. According to Burns, “Police corruption includes the misuse of authority for an officer’s personal gain or for the personal gain of others” (Burns, 2013). Burns is trying to say that police corruption occurs when officers misuse their powers by over stepping their boundaries and taking advantage of people. In fact, this makes officers commit violent, corruptive crimes. Do you think it’s fair that most police officers get away with corruption? Police officers are supposed to serve for our country and protect our people; however, in majority of the cases officers abuse their authority which leads to police misconduct. Around the 1970’s the Knapp Commission brought attention to the New York City Police Department (NYPD) that police corruption was going on for about two years. Throughout their findings the main corruption that was going on was bribery and selling of narcotic drugs. Many officers became jobless once they got caught in corruptive acts. In the film Serpico, Lumet focuses on police corruption within the police department. Throughout the film, Lumet explains the reason citizens have trust issues within the police department. We view police officers as being there to protect us in any way possible; however, they are doing the opposite. As we can see in the film there is a lot of police corruption going on, such as police violence and abuse of power. Serpico definitely surprised me because it was based on a true story and I was unaware of how corrupted the police force actually was. Police officers are supposed to be professional as they represent our country. According to Burns, “Police misconduct is seen as hypocritical in the sense that society puts great trust in officers to enforce the law in a fair and just manner” (Burns, 2013). The community is trained to put trust in the police department; however, some officers are making it hard for individuals to trust them. When police corruption occurs it is to be stopped before hand to develop a better police force.

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