
Police Misconduct Case Study

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Law enforcement agencies involvement in inappropriate police activities include any illegal actions taken by the respective officers within the jurisdiction of their official responsibilities. Misconduct often leads to injustice and segregation. Types of misconduct range from unwarranted seizure of property, false imprisonment, corruption cases, tampering with evidence and witnesses, racial profiling, unwarranted searches, bribing legislators to maintain laws that grant officers excessive power, sexual misconduct, influence on alcohol while on duty, usage of police ID for access to concerts among other minor cases.
On March 3, 1991, members of the Los Angeles Police Department following a police chase in Los Angeles beat up a young man and the outcome was a major incidence on the brutality of law enforcement officers’. This incident attracted the attention of the media across the country (National Lawyers Guild & West, 2002). In the late 90s, the same Los Angeles Police Department was involved in rampart …show more content…

The alleged charges were ranging from drinking and sexual misconduct to driving and misuse of government issued charge cards (States, 2010). It has been established that in different cases, the motive for police inappropriate actions are varied.
The fact that police and law enforcement officers’ misconduct still forms a disturbing issue in the society today does not mean that there has been whatsoever no progress. Numerous efforts have been implemented to enforce proper conduct of law enforcing personnel in their line of duty. The first step involves identification of the common brutality within the region. The range could be the use of excessive physical force or even discriminatory arrest patterns. The next is to seek relevant information on each specific case of police misconduct and evaluate how best to tackle the

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