
Police Subculture Analysis

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Dawn, I agree with your descriptions that you have given for your positive and negative aspects of police subculture. As I was reading them I notice there could be other meanings to those aspects as well. So I am just giving my opinion on your aspects that you have listed. When you speak about territorial, that could also mean that an officer is more protective of his area that he is assigned too. He/she is more likely to want to do as much as possible for his community, and protective of it too. I really did not think that danger was an positive aspect, but as I thought about the definition, I guess it could. I guess maybe danger would make all police officers a little more closer to one another because of the danger they all can relate …show more content…

Suspicion, I agree with what you mentioned about being aware at all times of their surroundings. Common sense to me is a great aspect, because that will give an officer a better chance to make good choices, while also making decisions that make sense in any situation. An officer that has an us vs. them mentality is not good at all, because an officer should look at everyone as one. They can not think they can feel one way towards one situation, and based off who or what it is in another situation feel totally different. That will definitely hurt them in the long run, not only in the facility but also out in the community. I know one thing an officer never want to bring themselves about being a stereotypical type of officer. Split-Second-Decisions, can be good or bad as you already mentioned, because to me if your reacting fast to a situation, and one false move that could cost you your life and possibly others. Masculinity, yeah that is negative, because women can do the job to the same ability a man could if not better. There are so many career fields that feel that woman can't do certain jobs, but we as woman know that is not true. Last aspect you listed was unpredictability, i agree with you on that, but you also never want an unpredictable

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