
Police Subculture Deviance Enters Into Law Enforcement Essay

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Kappeler, Sluder, & Alpert (1998) explain that through the police subculture deviance enters into law enforcement. The police character that is developed can be attributed to several paradigms such as psychological, sociological, and anthropological. The individual personalities of an officer and the authoritarian personality, characterized by cynicism, aggression, and conservatism, is that the psychological paradigm analyzes (p. 85). The socialization process which officers experience when they go through the academy, training, and field experience, contrast that dispositional model of the police personality, and this is the focus of the sociological paradigm. When officers internalize these norms and values that are learned, this professionalization occurs. The occupational culture of policing and the -beliefs, attitudes, and values that make up the subculture is seen as the anthropological paradigm or the culturalization perspective (Kappeler, Sluder, & Alpert, 1998, p. 87-88).
Kappeler, Studler, and Alpert (2009) discussed a series of opportunity and organizational aspects of policing that contribute to deviance. These aspects are identified as legitimizing police deviance through the authority of law, public perception, isolating police/citizen encounters, and limiting and subverting police supervision (p.61). The police enjoy a legal authority and operational justification to operate in a way that would be seen as criminal behavior if any normal citizen would

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