
Police Use Of Force Training Essay

Decent Essays

Training is the only option to teach and gives lectures of how any criminal enforcement officer should have because here in this training they will find the way how to handle dangerous situations and if they would need to use the force if they are the situation requires it. As J.C. Hall expressed in his book, “Police Use of Nondeadly Force to Arrest”, he describes that the training should describe the twofold of the offenses. One of this factors should describe how an officer should assess any threat that they encounter while conducting their duty. While on the other hand, the training as well should also describe how to encounter a threat. At first, this two factors might sound the same thing but its truth is that they are completely different from each other because one is mainly focusing how the criminal enforcement officer should think before they act. …show more content…

The threat perspective can be conducted in a classroom going over reviews and lectures that explain the instructions of the legal perspective and its interpretation of the use of force. While the threat perspective is conducted in a classroom, the encounter perspective is conducted on an open area. This perspective of the training is mainly focused on how a criminal enforcement officer should confront a situation where the use of force can be necessary to control or secure people’s lives or themselves. The training of how a criminal enforcement officer should encounter are done on practice scenarios, where they actually put into practice their force techniques. Here on this training criminal enforcement students work with paint guns, simulating the real guns that they would use on the actual duty. By conducting this exercises with this virtual guns, the criminal enforcement students would also experience how a real official sees the

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