
Positive And Negative Effects Of E-Learning

Decent Essays

A lot of people are heading to E-learning. E-learning is a short form of internet learning. That means if the person want to have E-learning he should ably online. E-leaning is the newest way of education in this century. So in the last few years a lot of people start to get their learning online. E-learning offers manes major to learn, open time to get learned, a degree of the major. Also E-learning could be in anywhere or in anytime. Because of that E-learning can be useful for workers, house wives, and mothers. But most of people are not aware of the negative effects of E-learning. Not fair, less method, and effects the health these are three main effects of E-learning.

First, E-learning is not a fair way to get our education from. E-learning could abuse student. The abuse that the student will face from the E-learning shows that this kind of learning is not useful. For example, E-learning does not have any trustiness. Any student could get high greed in E-learning. If the student studies hard or the student cheats no one could know. If there is any test or exam they could open their books and answered the question easily without the teacher knowledge. In E-learning all what the student need is user and password. Then …show more content…

Therefore even if the online education is the most advances step in the education now a day it is not the good way to learn. No mater of what level of advance we are now still the old schools is the best. Student can share their day, information, and knowledge. So for the people who are thinking of completing their education or parents who want their kids to get learned register in real schools. Real schools let the student have a lot of specifications like collaboration, interlocutor, friendly, and courage. That will help the student build his personality. It also prepares the student to be active in his own

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