
Ruin Of Education

Decent Essays

Internet Schooling With the advancement of new technology, more students enroll in online courses (Spring), but this action alarms some who do not agree with online education. College Sophomore Alexander Spring’s editorial, “Online Learning: The Ruin Of Education,” argues “Online education turns a center into a diploma factory.” However, he experienced online education for only a brief period of time. Instead of providing statistics to support his proposition, he based his entire article on his own negative personal experience. Furthermore, Spring merely presents the harmful aspects of online learning, without acknowledging the benefits online education possesses. In his argument, he said this about his experience, “I had the horrific opportunity to experience online learning for a few weeks.” Contrary to Spring’s beliefs, online learning possesses many positive advantages. In the article, Spring brings up the points about social complications and the lack of social skills, commonly associated with online learning. Spring claims, “social implications of online learning are also detrimental;” however, certain online schools offer students the resources to get …show more content…

With the increasing rate of online education, many people do not see the problem of this type of learning, since some schools already have these programs available. If a student enrolls in relatively demanding online classes, the results remain nearly the same as those of a student attending a traditional school. Basing an argument on only a few weeks of experience does not make a person qualified to have trustworthy opinion on a specific topic. Social problems, time management issues and the lack of curiosity all diminish if the student attends the correct online schooling program. Online schooling deserves more respect from others who do not recognize the similarities it has with a traditional

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