
Postmodernism in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer

Decent Essays

Where does truth lie? Postmodernism is a literary movement of the twentieth century that attempts to show that the answer to this question cannot be completely determined. Characteristics of postmodern works include a mixing of different genres, random time changes, and the use of technology that all aid in presenting a common postmodern theme that truth doesn’t lie in one story, place or person. The novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer encompasses these postmodern characteristics combining together show how the truth cannot always be attained. Intertwined within the novel is the presence of many different genres including letters, articles and magazine clippings, and pictures. At first sight there is the …show more content…

If only one genre was used the reader would not have any other sources or opinions to determine what the truth is or where the truth lies. Another postmodern ideal found in the novel is random changes in time. The novel continually skips in a cycle from Oskar’s story, to his grandpa’s story, back to Oskar’s story, to his grandma’s story. The changes in time are never noted it is the reader’s job to figure out whose story is being told. Upon the first reading it is hard to differentiate between whose story is being told because of the frequent changes in time. Also Oskar is on a journey to find truth. He is on a search to find to what a key he found in his dad’s room belongs too. Also he is curious to find out how his dad died. At the end of the novel, or the end of his journey he never truly finds what he was looking for, the “truth”. Many postmodernists believe that there is not one truth and that truth is the combination of everyone’s experiences, everyone creates it. This theme is reiterated through the writing style Foer chooses. He chose to include the different perspectives and stories of many of the characters through the random time changes, this suggests that there isn’t only one truth. Finally the use of technological images alludes to a postmodernistic style. There are many instances where Foer hints at the fact that in today’s society things are no longer experienced first hand. In the picture of Stephen

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