
Preventing Childhood Obesity

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Childhood obesity is now a serious problem for many children and adolescents in the world. The increase of childhood obesity is on a rise and is causing obesity related diseases in children to adult life. Obesity has a physical and mental health issue impact by a person’'s weight. Preventing children to become overweight has a lot to do with their family, either by modeling healthy lifestyle choices which affects the child’s view on food.

There are many ways that adults and even children can help prevent obesity, which is by practicing healthy lifestyles, and doing physical activity each day with a decrease of being inside playing video games, computer games, watching Television, etc. It is important for families to observe and plan healthy meals for their children. Also parents need to assure that children get plenty of exercise because most children around the world don’t get the recommended amount.“ Encourage your children to eat a variety of fruits,vegetables whole grains, and protein foods . Limit foods that are high in fat, calories and sugar” (Remedy’s communities). In addition even though parents can help prevent childhood obesity, they can be the cause of it. Children, whose parents are also overweight, are most susceptible to obesity. Sometimes …show more content…

Adult obesity can result in serious health conditions such as many types of cancer, depression, heart disease, type 2 diabetes,sleep, have a stroke, and many other conditions. Students in high school should be required to take health classes but more focus needs to be on nutrition and the long term effects on their health. Overweight children can also result in psychological troubles. Psychological problems such as teens are obese they get teased/bullied about their weight, to bully others, have poor social skills. Further more these kids can suffer from stress, anxiety, and higher risk for depression,which makes their self-esteem

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