
Progeria Essay

Decent Essays


Progeria is a disease of children that produces rapid aging. The exact cause of progeria is

unknown, although a hereditary component may be involved. Progeria results in rapid aging of children,

beginning with growth failure during the first year of life. Progeria is a rare condition but has come into

public awareness because of its startling symptoms and the appearance of several affected children in movies on national television.The children are small and thin with disproportionately large appearing heads, baldness, wizened narrow faces, and old-appearing skin. Children with progeria develop early

atherosclerosis. The average lifespan is the early teens, although several have …show more content…

Dyck in 1987 reported coronary artery bypass surgery and percutaneous

transluminal angioplasty in a 14-year-old girl with this disorder. Recessive inheritance was suggested by the

report from Egypt of affected sisters, children of first cousins. Paterson, in 1922 recorded the cases of two

possibly affected brothers, photographs were not published and the diagnosis is not completely certain. The full

report was simply the following: A boy, aged 8 years. Condition has been present since birth. The father and

mother are first cousins. There are 4 children in the family, the girls are unaffected, both boys are affected. The

senile condition of the skin and facies should be noted. The vessels show arteriosclerosis.(There is almost

complete absence of subcutaneous fat.). Erecinski described photographically typical progeria in 2 brothers,

and among the 9 offspring of 2 sisters, Rava in1967 found 6 affected. Khalifa in1989 described a

consanguineous Libyan family in which 2 males and 1 female in 2 sibships related as cousins had seemingly

typical Hutchinson-Gilford progeria. Repeated nonhealing fractures were the presenting manifestation in the

proband. Maciel in1988 reported an inbred Brazilian family in which presumed Hutchinson-Gilford progeria

had occurred in members of 2 sibships related as first cousins once removed. Although autosomal recessive


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