
Pros And Cons Of Abolishing Kafala System

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Unfair labor treatment in Qatar is a big issue of human rights. People are getting more and more attention of how Qatar as a host country addresses these problems and how relevant parties find a sustainable solution. As recommendations, these followings are what they should perform in order to take responsibility of treated workers and prevent potential abuses.

What Qatar should do

Abolishing Kafala system

“Kafala” system or sponsorship system is a system that been used to monitor migrant workforces in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. (Human Right Watch, 2008) This system requires in coming workers to have an in-country sponsor. It has been criticized by Human Right Organization as an open door to opportunities for employers exploiting and abusing labors since employers control over the workers’ visas, meaning they could refuse to allow labors to change jobs or stop them from leaving the country. It also totally leads to intimidation and mistreatment of working conditions. The reason of discontinuing Kafala is because it is a root cause of abusing by giving a too much power in sponsors’ hand. Stopping Kafala would bring justice between both parties in terms of rights and obligations. …show more content…

The internal issue would be working conditions, living environments and complaints among migrants. For external, committees inspect employers and agents about their legal registrations and treatments toward employees. If they see any incorrectness, they will report right away without bias and bribery, and Qatar will take it seriously and address properly solutions. For example, salty water being provided to workers in water camps for cooking and washing, Qatar would check into sources of the problem whether it coming from Qatar’s Water Supply System or from facility of careless

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