
Pros And Cons Of College Athletes

Decent Essays

A heated debate has been raging over the issue of whether or not collegiate athletes should or should not be compensated for their performance in their respective sports. This issue is of great importance because the NCAA’s (National College Athletics Association) model is based upon amateurism, and the disruption of this model could be the end of collegiate athletics as we know it. The basis of this argument is a pro/con argument between the parties that support the compensation of collegiate athletes and those who oppose it. This means that the argument in question is not one about should they or should they not be paid, it could be argued that the argument is about which side is making a better argument. The primary stakeholders of this argument are the athletes themselves, the parents of these athletes, the athletic coaching staff, the NCAA, and fans of college athletics. Malcolm Lemmons writes in his Huffington Post article, “there has been obvious speculation about college athletes and the significant amount of revenue they have been bringing to their schools and the NCAA” (Lemmons, 2017). This means that a major argument is over should they be compensated for their hard work that they put into generating revenue for their schools. This is not a multifaceted argument, one side seems to be in agreeance that yes, they should, because the universities are using their name and image for free, the opposite side seems to also be in agreeance they no, they should not,

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