
Student Athletes Pros And Cons

Decent Essays

December Con: Zachary Lozano and Hunter Aikmus Resolved: NCAA student athletes ought to be recognized as employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Hunter and I stand in firm negation of the resolution, Resolved: NCAA student athletes ought to be recognized as employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act. We will support our stance with the following Three contentions. Contention One: Paying College Athletes is Logistically Impossible Not only do different college sports bring in vastly different amounts of revenue, but different athletes on individual teams bring in vastly different amounts of revenue. Due to these differences, it is impossible to make a determination as to how funding would be allocated. William Jung Texas Christian University, 3 May 2013 explains Different athletes, even on the most profitable sports teams, bring in vastly different levels of revenue economics research articles have estimated the marginal revenue product (MRP) of a student-athlete in major college sports. The most recent study finds that the median MRP was about $44,000, which exceeds the average value of a scholarship, and that the mean MRP was over $91,000. For the best players, MRP exceeds $1,000,000. Dan Duggan New Jersey LLC., 10 March 2015 explains the impact of this which is Due to the necessity of providing equal pay for all players, it becomes logistically impossible to equitably compensate athletes. but as far as flat-out paying them, I just think that’s

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