
Pros And Cons Of Fluoride

Decent Essays

Fluoride Debate
The aim of this work is to compile support and opposition for the motion ‘should we artificially fluoridate our water supply’. Scientific literature has been used throughout in order to provide reliable points. Some personal views and points have been expressed.
- Reduces tooth decay o Reduction in pain of an individual o Reduces amount of children having dental related GA. Does the potential risks of fluoridation outweigh the risk of GA
- How much is 1ppm? o 1mg/L o According to guidance – on average 2L of water should be drunk p/d o 2mg of fluoridated water ingested p/d
- Topical Flouride is most effective at reducing tooth decay o Tooth brushing in conjunction with fluoridated water will provide powerful combination …show more content…

tea, dried fruit + walnuts
- Are there better ways to tackle tooth decay? o Education
 on the benefits of fluoridated dental products
 Effect of sugar on teeth o Greater accessibility to dental tx o Influence from social media etc
- Increased risk of fluorosis (15)(16) o There is an optimum daily intake of fluoride of 0.05mg/kg (2) with 0.1mg/kg being the accepted amount in the US (17) o Study indicates strong association in children <8 y/o developing fluorosis in areas with fluoridated water (18)
- Accumulation in the body o Found to be a strong correlation in infants between fluoride intake and accumulation in bones (19) increased risk of bone fracture o Accumulation in the body may be affected by impaired renal function
 Failure to excrete F- effectively. Pt definitely at higher risk of fluorosis but also of other potential damaging effects of fluoride (29)
- Benefit is topical not systemic (20) o This adds to the argument of why add it drinking water when the majority will be swallowed
- Studies show that dental caries does not increase following the cessation of fluoridated water (21,22)
- Fluoridated water MAY cause …show more content…

to neurotoxicity, development of osteosarcoma and interference with biochemical systems. Further exploration into these studies raised alarm bells in their relevance to the ‘fluoride debate’. For example I found the amount of fluoride being used in many studies to be well above any reported daily human consumption, for example Ge Y et. El. (30) Used 100mg doses (there was no mention of frequency) to prove a link between fluoride and apoptosis of brain cells. Other studies undertaken usually had too many variables, for example Liu H et. El attempted to study the effect of fluoride on male fertility using a population with high fluoride intake and another with low. The study doesn’t take into account other variables such as diet, volume / frequency of fluoride intake or genetics. The conclusions being drawn where tenuous, with, in my opinion, no conclusive evidence to prove the hypothesis, with the studies mentioning further research is

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