
Toothpaste Persuasive Speech

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Attention getter statement: Toothpaste: We use toothpaste to brush our teeth everyday (hopefully). We here in America love to have white teeth and from the time we are very young, we are told by our parents and our dentists that we need to brush twice daily with fluoride in order to prevent cavities. But what if I told you that toothpaste was poisonous?
Credibility Statement: As a person who has been brushing his teeth for many years without knowing the effects that fluoride can cause, I decided to do extensive research on the topic to find out what we are really putting in our bodies.
Reason for audience to listen: Every morning, most of us college kids wake up, shower, eat something for breakfast, and before we rush out the door most of …show more content…

Shortly thereafter, he noticed that a high amount of children had splotchy brown stains on their teeth. After many years of research, he discovered that an excess amount of natural fluoride coming from their drinking water was the cause of the disease we now know today as fluorosis, but Dr. Mckay, along with another with other top dental hygienists concluded that putting a tiny amount of fluoride in the water would help prevent overall tooth decay, and they eventually got their wish. iii. The Story of Fluoridation states, “In 1945, Grand Rapids became the first city in the world to fluoridate its drinking water” after it was discovered that fluoride could help reduce the rate of tooth decay and cavities. This program would be the first step in fluoridating most of America 's tap water.

Transition: At the time, fluoridating the drinking water may have seemed like a new and revolutionary program that would protect America 's teeth, but many doctors and scientists have become skeptical of fluoride’s true effectiveness and overall safety.

B. Main Point 2: While fluoridation of drinking water seemed like a good idea back in 1945, new scientific evidence seems to state otherwise.
i. Although defenders of fluoride continue to claim that there are no dangers in using fluoride for dental care, the facts speak for themselves. Dr. Edward Group, who in his 2015 article “The Dangers of Fluoride” stated that “Every year Poison Control centers receive thousands of calls from people

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