
Psychological Studies And The Evolution Of Hospice Care Essay

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One of the few inevitabilities in our life is death. Whether there is more after death is up to interpretation but there is no arguing that at some point, every life must come to an end. Sociological studies and the evolution of hospice care have brought this inevitability to light and provided important dialogue about death and the dying process, particularly as they relate the impact of social and professional relationships an end term patient may have at the time they are dying. A study was conducted was conducted by Dr. Karen Steinhauser that polled end care patients about what was important to them leading up to the time of their death. This poll found that 90% of these patients found it important to say goodbye to important people and 86% of patients found it important to resolve unfinished business with friends and family. From these findings it can be inferred that one of the most important things to people as they near the end of their lives is to find peace and leave this earth with no regrets. This can be summed up by the word closure, which is defined as a feeling that an emotional social or personal relationship or traumatic experience has been resolved. Reaching closure is often closely interrelated with the various personal connections, professional relationships and social status we accrue over our lifetime, and there are a number of avenues for achieving a feeling of closure. This concept is illustrated when we look at how one reaches closure when examining

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