
Pursuing My Leadership Style

Satisfactory Essays

I am in the process of discovering what my leadership style is in one of my master degree classes. I intend to communicate my results from the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, the Ipersonic, the Jung Typology, the Leadership Q and the Gallup Strength Finder assessments. I hope after reading this summary about my leadership style, you will be able to assist and support me in becoming a stronger, more efficient and successful leader that others can look up to

After researching about my leadership style and the characteristics that I exhibit, I feel that my leadership style might not be viewed as a positive one. I have strengths that will help me become a skillful leader, but I am concerned that my negative traits outweigh the positive ones. In digging deeper into my assessments I observed behaviors that I would not view as positive which I certainly would not desire to have a supervisor who displays these traits. The results from the assessments do intertwine, which shows me that I answered the questions consistently so it would appear these results …show more content…

My communication style is lacking leadership qualities. Several of my communication characteristics ties into one another and are addressed in my assessment results. I tend to react and speak out before I think about what I would like to convey. The tone of my reactions also tends to sound defensive when I do speak and I tend to interrupt and I don’t wait until others are finished. I am hoping we can work together to alleviate these communication mistakes so I may grow and improve on my communication style. I have thought of a few hints that will help me when I attend meetings. I need to be cognizant before my meetings to think how I essentially want to act and react, additional I can count to 10 and take deep breaths before

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