
Quality Improvement

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First of all, what is quality improvement? Quality Improvement (QI) has being define by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) the way to which patient care services increase the possibility of desired health outcomes and are consistent with the professional knowledge. ”The roots of the quality improvement movement can be traced back to the work of epic figures such as Ignaz Semmelweis, the 19th-century obstetrician who championed the importance of hand washing in medical care. In addition, Florence Nightingale, the English nurse, identified the association between poor living conditions and high death rates among soldiers treated at army hospitals. Ernest Codman, a surgeon, pioneered the creation of hospital standards and emphasized and implemented …show more content…

The goal during the unfreezing stage is to create an awareness of how it is hindering the organization. Old behaviors, ways of thinking, processes must be carefully examined to show employees how necessary a change is for the organization to maintain. Communication is very important during the unfreezing stage so that employees can become informed about the imminent change, the logic behind it and how it will benefit each employee. The idea is that the more we know about a change the more motivated we are to accept the change. In the same pattern the Plan in PDCA cycle charts were utilized to collect data, and analyzed the root of pressure ulcer incident in the unit. System performance was reviewed. One of the problem identified was that, patients were lying in the same position for more than four hours. The first step that was taking was a mandatory staff meeting to inform the staffs about the problem and how it impacts the patients and the organization. A pressure ulcer plan was initiated to turn all patients with limited movement every two hours, different staff was assigned for each round. Nurse leader, unit manager, wound care nurse, and clinical educator, nurse assistance meet weekly. The staffs were educated about skin assessment every shift, how to use Braden Scale to document pressure ulcer risk prevention and document. Some of the staffs were a little hesitant due to the facts that they …show more content…

This methodology is a way to put the plan, into practice, monitor and act on failures. During this time most people struggle with the new reality, and begin to learn the new behaviors, processes and ways of thinking. The more prepared they are for this step, the easier it is to complete. For this reason, education, communication, support and time are critical for employees as they become familiar with the change. Throughout this process, employees should be reminded of the reasons for the change and how it will benefit them once fully implemented. In the changing process the Do will be implemented minimizing/eliminating friction, minimizing pressure, support surfaces, managing moisture, maintaining adequate nutrition/hydration, Educating patients and caregivers Skin inspection and

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