
Rac Race Stereotypes

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The Bluest Eye is an award winning novel written by Toni Morrison. This novel touches many difficult stereotypes of family, race, and beauty. The novel begins with a Dick and Jane story, and it gives a depiction of the ideal family. This family had a big house, a full family with both parents, were happy, and had a pet dog. The mother was described as very nice, and mothers have typically been seen as caring or nurturing. The father was described as bing and strong. Fathers are normally expected to be hard and emotionally strong for their families. In reality, a lot of families do not fit this version of a perfect family. Many families have parents that have gotten remarried, and the kids may not all be of the same blood. There are also single parent families, and families that the main person raising and taking care of everyone is an oldest sibling. Its not even uncommon to have same sex parents. …show more content…

A moment you really see this in the book is they way Geraldine reacts towards the main character, Pecola, when the cat dies. Geraldine is under the impression that Pecola is responsible for the death of the cat. On pages 91-92 you can see her anger causes her to lump Pecola in with others that wore dirty torn dresses, had plaits sticking out on their heads, had hair mated where the plaits had come undone, and wore muddy shoes with soiled socks. The main connection all these people had was that they were colored. This is evident when Geraldine says, “Get Out. You nasty little black bitch. Get out of my house” (page 92). Geraldine was used to seeing other colored kids having things in common with Pecola, and that made it easy to place her into the stereotype of being dirty, unclean, and

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